Dal NOC di Telecom Italia / Seabone ci segnalano un router difettoso a Milano con varie connessioni dall’ Italia e dall’estero disturbate.
The NOC of Telecom Italia / Seabone informed us about a defect router in Milano with various connectivity issues both from Italy and abroad.
UPDATE: We are still in contact with TelecomItalia to get the problem solved.
UPDATE2: According to Telecom Italia the problem was solved – Telecom Italia ha segnalato che il problema e’ stato risolto (problema apparentemente causato da un un nuovo peering a Miami):
Dear, we have had configuration problems so that new peering link in Miami has been put in down. Sorry for the inconvenience...best regards. ___________________ Telecom Italia Sparkle Network Operation 1st Level - Network Operation Center (24 hours)
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