Dear Customers,

we include inline a message from the Italian Competition Authorities ( and the Registration Authority for .IT-domains regarding misleading messages from the “Registro italiano in Internet per le imprese”:

we would like to inform you once again a great deal of users notices are
arriving at the Registry: the users have received some letters from another
entity, the so-called “Registro italiano in Internet per le imprese”, which,
through surface-mail mailings, (seemingly to ask the verifications of the data
dealing with user activities) proposes a contract to adhere to in order to
receive a service after payment.

The Institute of Informatics and Telematics of the CNR and the ccTLD .it
Registry are not in the least involved with this initiative and have prepared
again the necessary actions to protect any rights that might have been infringed.

The Italian Competition Authorities ( has repeatedly issued
fines – for analogous initiatives as case in point of misleading messages –
against DAD Deutscher Adressdienst.

We therefore suggest you to assume the diligent responsibility of informing
your clients and giving them adequate information in this regard.

Thomas Moroder
President – incubatec Ltd

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