Network Status

  • Core Router DC#2

    Today at 16:28 CET a defect linecard in the core router of the second datacenter (DC#2) first caused latency (high ping-times) and after complete failure a downtime of connectivity for some servers and services. We replaced the linecard and all services, incl. BGP-peerings, were up again working at 17:31 CET. We apologize for any inconvenience […]

  • Scheduled VPS maintenance

    We will be performing scheduled maintenance for both Windows and Unix/Linux Virtual Private Servers (VPS) during the night (starting 23:00 CET). There will be a short downtime. Nell’ottica del continuo miglioramento della nostra infrastruttura tecnica desideriamo comunicarti circa l’intervento di manutenzione per il potenziamento dei server virtuali (VPS) durante la notte (a partire dalle ore […]

  • osCommerce 2.2 RC2a bug

    [ENGLISH] Dear Customers, we have noticed that osCommerce version 2.2 RC2a has bug, abused by spammers to send out spam using http:// site name .com / admin/mail.php/login.php?action=send_email_to_user. To fix this problem, please patch the file admin/includes/application_top.php using this schema: 34 34 require(DIR_WS_FUNCTIONS . ‘compatibility.php’); 35 35 36 36 // set php_self in the local scope 37 […]

  • MOBI Domain Name Registration

    Dear Customers, we are currently offering .MOBI Domain Registrations incl. Instant Mobilizer and dotMOBI SiteBuilder on SALE: With InstantMobilizer you can turn Your existing Web Site into a Mobile Web Site, with the SiteBuilder you can create your own Mobile Web Site in minute, no technical knowledge required.

  • Connectivity meltdown in Europe

    [ENGLISH] Dear Customers, currently we have confirmed problems from Telecom Italia (fiber cuts in France and Milano, Italy), DTAG (did not get response so far) & T-Mobile and AT&T. No ETA was given so far, but the problems seem to be massive and not only in Italy, Germany, Austria and France, but also noticeable in […]

  • Connectivity Telecom Italia / Interbusiness / Seabone

    [ENGLISH] Dear Customers, currently there are connectivity problems from the Telecom Italia / Interbusiness / Seabone network; we have contacted our upstream-providers/carriers Level3, KPN and IPX/GBLX about this issue and got confirmation of the problem. We are working to resolve this problem – which does not depend and is not caused by us – ASAP. […]

  • Problemi datacenter #2

    Gentili Clienti, al momento ci sono problemi a raggiungere alcuni server colocati nel datacenter #2. Ci scusiamo per gli eventuali disagi e rimaniamo a Vs completa disposizione. UPDATE: problema risolto.

  • .TEL Planned CTH (Community Tel Hosting) Maintenance

    Telnic, the operator of the .TEL-Registry as part of their standard operating procedure will be initiating a failover of Community TelHosting Services from their primary data centre to their failover centre on Saturday 14th November. They intend to failback to their primary centre on Sunday 22 November. The detail of this activity is provided below. […]

  • Barracuda Cluster Upgrade

    Currently the Barracuda Spam & Virus Firewall “”, part of our clustered antispam-solution, is being upgraded. The other Barracuda Spam & Virus Firewalls will take over the filtering and load in the meantime, so there should be no noticeable customer impact. ETA is 60 minutes.

  • Barracuda Cluster Upgrade

    Currently the Barracuda Spam & Virus Firewall “”, part of our clustered antispam-solution, is being upgraded. The other Barracuda Spam & Virus Firewalls will take over the filtering and load in the meantime, so there should be no noticeable customer impact. ETA is 60 minutes. UPDATE: Upgrade successfully completed.


    The registry-operators for .BIZ, .US, .CN & CNIDN, .TW, .TRAVEL and .TEL domains will be failing back the Registry systems as part of their standard operating procedures. Please note that Whois and DNS will not be impacted, and will remain available at all times. PLEASE NOTE THE DIFFERENT END TIMES LISTED CAREFULLY BELOW. The fail […]