Network Status

  • dDoS Flood ns1/ [SOLVED]

    Dear Customers, due to a distributed Denial of Service targeting our nameservers, DNS-resolving is currently slow or times out. Our technicians are already in the datacenter to add capacity and apply additional filtering. We will update this post as soon as possible with relevant news. Your server24-team UPDATE: After the attack on ns1/ was mitigated […]

  • dDoS Flood Datacenter #2 [SOLVED]

    Dear Customers, due to a distributed Denial of Service targeting servers on one specific network segment, one edge-switch is overloaded. Our technicians are already in the datacenter to add another switch and apply the necessary filtertings. So far 10 servers are affected (slow response time or time-outs), ETA is approx. 30 minutes. Customers in the […]

  • .ME accredited

    [ENGLISH] We are now accredited as registrar for .ME-domains also. [ITALIANO] Da subito siamo accreditati anche come registrar per domini .ME. [DEUTSCH] Wir sind ab sofort auch als .ME Registrar akkreditiert.

  • Reboot VPS Windows

    A causa di un upgrade urgente, i VPS Windows verranno riavviati nei prossimi 20 minuti. Wegen einer drigenden Sicherheits-Aktualisierung, werden alle Windows Virtual Server die nächsten 20 Minuten neu gestartet. Due to an urgent security update, all Windows virtual servers will be rebootet within the next 20 minutes.

  • Proroga PEC

    Segnaliamo che da una comunicazione del Ministero dello Sviluppo si evince il suggerimento alle Camere di Commercio di astenersi da sanzioni fino ai primi del nuovo anno. In pratica il termine si sposta dal 29 novembre 2011 al 31 dicembre 2011. Un mese fa circa il 90% delle imprese non aveva ancora depositato il proprio […]

  • Defect Cabinet Switch DC#2

    Dear Customers, a cabinet switch in datacenter #2 has stopped working, our technicians are already in the datacenter to replace the defect unit. Customers in the cabinet with redundant upstreams are not affected. UPDATE: Problem solved

  • Maintenance / Manutenzione / Wartungsarbeiten / cp17 Server

    Due to planned maintenance the server (shared hosting / webhosting24) will be rebooted this night and a short downtime of about 5 minutes will occur. A causa di lavori di manutenzione pianificati il server (shared hosting / webhosting24) verra’ riavviato questa notte e ci sara’ un breve downtime di circa 5 minuti. Wegen […]

  • Problemi instradamento telecom italia

    Gentili clienti, é stato confermato dal supporto telecom ad un nostro cliente, che oggi ci sono dei problemi di instradamento nella rete telecom. In base alle segnalazioni che ci sono pervenute, sembra che siano coinvolti gli utenti telecom che passano per il router telecom con ip:

  • Maintenance Backbone

    [ENGLISH] We would like to inform you about an upcoming maintenance on our backbone in the datacenter #1. Primary Date: Sept 21th 2011, 00:00 – 06:00 CEST Summary Description of Maintenance: Core-Router Upgrade on the backbone datacenter #1 Customer Impact: Customers will be affected by short outages while the connections will be rerouted to the […]

  • Unplanned Cisco PIX Maintenance

    Due to an unplanned problem with one Cisco PIX firewall, we are performing emergency maintenance work on the firewall LAN. Work is still in progress, no ETA given. UPDATE: The appliance is powered, but does not work correctly. A replacement is already in the datacenter, we are working to bring affected services online ASAP. ETA: […]

  • Windows VPS Update

    We are performing updates to the Windows VPS service. A reboot of all hardware-nodes is necessary, therefore a short downtime of all Windows VPS will take place in the next 8 hours.