
Archivi degli autori

  • Service Affecting Maintenance DC#1

    [ENGLISH] Dear Customer, Primary Date: March  2nd 2011, 00:00 – 06:00 CEST Location: incubatec Munich datacenter #1 (MUC1)  – DC#1 Summary Description of Maintenance: Installation of additional routers (Core network) Installation of additional switches (Core network) Installation of additional loadbalancer Fiber interconnection between datacenter #1 and #2 will be upgraded Nameserver, and […]

  • Service Affecting Maintenance DC#2

    Dear Customers, we will be installing additional routers and switches (10GE core) in the datacenter #2 starting at 11.00 pm (23.00) o’clock this night. Single servers located in the datacenter #1 and #2 will be affected for about one hour starting 23.30 to 00.30 o’clock during switchovers that have to be performed. Feel free to […]

  • Next Generation Network: Incremento di banda su upstream KPN

    Gentile Cliente, abbiamo concluso con successo l’upgrade dell’upstream con il carrier KPN, incrementando nettamente la banda. Questo e’ il primo di molti upgrades pianificati per l’implementazione del progetto chiamato internamente “Next Generation Network” per portare l’intera infrastruttura di rete e la banda minima delle connessioni a 10 Gbit/s utilizzando hardware Cisco di ultima generazione. Nelle […]

  • Next Generation Network: KPN Upstream Upgrade

    Dear Customers, we have successfully upgraded our uplink to KPN, this is just the first of a series of upgrades planned for the roll-out of our internal “Next Generation Network” project. We will be fully upgrading all of our network infrastructure in the next four weeks, bringing all network infrastructure connections up to at least […]

  • .CO special

    We are offering .CO-domain-registrations for the next 48 hours @ EURO 8.77. Contact us at in the next 48 hours to profit from this special pricing. Per le prossime 48 ore sara’ possibile registrare domini .CO al costo di Euro 8,77. Contattaci tramite e-mail a nelle prossime 48 ore per partecipare a questa […]

  • dDoS ongoing / dDoS in corso / dDoS-Angriff

    Currently we are experiencing a dDoS-attack to two servers, mitigation is already in progress. Offender IPs are being recorded and forwarded to the authorities for further inspection. Al momento e’ in corso un attacco dDoS dedicato a due server dedicati, la mitigazione e’ gia’ in corso. I logs degli IP attaccanti vengono registrati ed inoltrati […]

  • Ägypten nicht mehr per Internet erreichbar

    Die wichtigsten Internet-Routen zu Ägypten sind derzeit gestört, auf unseren Routern haben wir ca. 2500 Netzwerke (verteilt auf ca. 50 AS-Nummern) der wichtigsten Provider und Netzwerke in Ägypten verschwinden sehen. Verschiedenen Medienberichten zufolge geht die weltweite Störung der Internet-Verbindung zu und von Ägypten angeblich auf Anweisungen der ägyptischen Regierung zurück. Wir verfolgen die Routing-Situation und […]

  • Traffico bloccato da e verso l’Egitto

    Le connessioni principali da e verso l’Egitto risultano offline, con circa 2500 subnet (distribuiti in precedenza da circa 50 numeri AS) svaniti dalle tabelle di routing e BGP dei nostri routers centrali. Dai media si presume che il blocco sia causato da un apparente ordine del governo Egiziano. E’ da desumere un ripristino della connettivita’ […]

  • Main Egypt Internet Routes offline – BGP

    The main internet routes to Egypt are offline, with about 2500 networks (originating from about 50 AS-numbers) vanishing from our core routers BGP and routing tables overnight. From media reports this is a worldwide disruption of traffic in and out of Egypt, presumably after a government order. Therefore the disruption of traffic to and from […]

  • Router Telecom Italia in Milano

    Dal NOC di Telecom Italia / Seabone ci segnalano un router difettoso a Milano con varie connessioni dall’ Italia e dall’estero disturbate. The NOC of Telecom Italia / Seabone informed us about a defect router in Milano with various connectivity issues both from Italy and abroad. UPDATE: We are still in contact with TelecomItalia to […]