
Archivi degli autori

  • Problemi nella rete Telecom Italia

    incubatec informa: Da varie segnalazioni da parte dei nostri clienti ed anche da misurazioni effettuate dal nostro ufficio ad Ortisei/Bolzano a quanto pare Telecom Italia ha dei problemi nella propria rete. Il tutto e’ stato confermato poco fa dal callcenter di Telecom Italia che sta gia’ lavorando per risolvere il problema. Ci scusiamo con i […]

  • PDU difettosa nel DC1

    Gentili clienti, due PDU nel datacenter #1 hanno smesso di funzionare circa 30 minuti fa. Il personale sul posto sta gia’ provvedendo a verificare il tutto e rimpiazzare le PDU difettose. Il tempo estimato per questa operazione e’ di circa 2 ore. Ci scusiamo per gli eventuali disagi, sono colpiti 37 server dedicati o managed […]

  • .EU Registry expected downtime

    Tuesday, 24 March, Release 5.8 will be rolled out on the EURid-servers during the maintenance window between 18:00 and 23:00 CET. There will be some downtime within the 5 hours window as the production system will be offline. Affected Systems: Production system for .EU-domains (that means Domain Name Registrations, Renewals, Transfers, Management on the Live […]

  • .ORG Registry DNS Publication Maintenance 22, March, 21:00 – 23 March, 2009 01:00 UTC

    The .ORG Shared Registry System (SRS) is scheduled for a DNS publication maintenance on 22 March 2009 21:00 – 23 March 2009 01:00 UTC. During this period, the .ORG Shared Registry System (SRS), including the Web-based Administrative Interface and the WHOIS service will be available. Registering and manipulating domain names and other registry objects will […]

  • .COM / .NET / .ORG / .INFO / .BIZ / .NAME / .TEL / .ASIA / .MOBI Whois- & CP-service downtime notice

    Own Identity (the ICANN-accredited registrar we use to register and manage .COM/.NET/.ORG/.INFO/.BIZ/.NAME/.TEL/.ASIA/.MOBI-domains) has problems with a major hardware failure that has necessitated replacement of hardware and restoration of data. This is a long and tedious process and is expected to finish around 12:00 AM GMT on March 12 2009. We are doing everything we can […]

  • Windows Hosting Migration

    We are performing migration to the new Windows Hosting System for some old Windows Hosting packages. The process should be transparent, but if you notice any problems please contact support. Stiamo migrando alcuni vecchi pacchetti hosting Windows sulla nuova piattaforma Windows Hosting. Il tutto avviene in modo trasparente, ma in caso di problemi i clienti […]


    The Windows VPS nodes had to be rebooted due to a reconfiguration necessary due to a SYN-flood (DoS-attack on the entire IP-range); all systems are back to normal now; the downtime was less than 5 minutes. Tutti i nodi hardware Windows VPS sono stati riavviati a causa di una riconfigurazione necessaria per deviare un attacco […]

  • .EU-registry downtime today at 18.00 CET

    This is a reminder that EURid will perform system maintenance later today during the maintenance window between 18:00 and 23:00, Central European Time. We expect to limit downtime to the first half hour. During the downtime, EURid will implement a bug fix to ensure that transfer authorisation codes are sent under all conditions. We will […]