This night we will perform various meinteinance works on the shared hosting servers for the webhosting24-service to adapt for the strongely increased spam- and virus-levels. All shared-hosting customers are affected.
Questa notte effettueremo vari lavori di manutenzioni ai servers shared hosting per il servizio webhosting24 necessari per adattare i sistemi al livello in forte rialzo di e-mails contenenti spam e virus. I downtimes e lavori di manutenzione riguardano tutti i clienti shared hosting.
Diese Nacht werden Wartungsarbeiten an allen Shared-Hosting-Servern für den webhosting24-Service durchgeführt, um diese dem stark angestiegenem Aufkommen von SPAM- und Viren-E-Mails anzupassen. Alle Shared-Hosting-Kunden sind davon betroffen.
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