The Windows VPS nodes had to be rebooted due to a reconfiguration necessary due to a SYN-flood (DoS-attack on the entire IP-range); all systems are back to normal now; the downtime was less than 5 minutes.

Tutti i nodi hardware Windows VPS sono stati riavviati a causa di una riconfigurazione necessaria per deviare un attacco SYN-flood (attaco DoS verso l’intero range IP); tutti i sistemi sono di nuovo online e funzionanti, il downtime e’ durato meno di 5 minuti.

Alle Windows VPS Hardware-Knoten mussten neu gestartet werden wegen einer Umkonfiguration, die aufgrund eines SYN-floods (DoS-Angriff auf den gesamten IP-Range) notwendig waren; alle Systeme sind wieder online und funktionsfähig, der Downtime betrug weniger als 5 Minuten.

UPDATE: Reconfiguration & reboot completed without problems.

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